The paper on tube-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control has been accepted for presentation at DYCOPS 2019.
Ali has been elected as the Program Coordinator for CAST Area 10d for 2021.
George has joined the PSC lab. Welcome George!
The paper on shaping the closed-loop behavior of nonlinear systems under probabilistic uncertainty using arbitrary polynomial chaos has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Ali will speak at the Center for Process Systems Engineering summer school.
NSF will fund our research on learning-based optimal control of stochastic nonlinear systems.
Jared's work on the application of deep learning for semiconductor defect classification has been presented at the Data Science Institute Workshop.
The paper on mixed stochastic-deterministic tube model predictive control for offset-free tracking in the presence of plant-model mismatch has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Process Control.
Ali will deliver a keynote talk on "Moment-Matching Scenario Tree Generation for Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control under Arbitrary Probabilistic Uncertainty" at the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
Ali will be an invited speaker at the International Workshop on Advanced Methods for Control and Estimation of Dynamic Systems.
Invited session on "Model Predictive Control Under Uncertainty" at the American Control Conference.
The paper on model predictive control with active learning under uncertainty has been accepted for publication in the AIChE Journal.
The paper on active fault diagnosis for stochastic nonlinear systems has been accepted for presentation at IFAC ADCHEM 2018.
Ali will deliver an invited webinar on "Arbitrary Polynomial Chaos for Uncertainty Quantification of Correlated Random Variables in Nonlinear Systems" at the Symposium on Modeling and Optimization.
The paper on using a method of alternating characteristics to solve partial differential equations that arise in environmental processes undergoing advection and biogeochemical reactions has been accepted for publication in Computational Geosciences.
The papers on enlarging the domain of attraction of stochastic model predictive control for offset-free tracking and closed-loop active fault diagnosis for stochastic linear systems have been accepted for presentation at the American Control Conference.
Prof. Mesbah is recipient of the IEEE CSM Outstanding Paper Award 2017 for the paper that provides an overview and perspectives for future research of stochastic model predictive control.
The paper presenting an efficient method for stochastic optimal control with joint chance constraints for nonlinear systems has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
The review paper on stochastic model predictive control with dual control effect has been accepted for publication in Annual Reviews in Control.
The paper on stochastic model predictive control and its relation to nominal model predictive control has been accepted for publication in Computers and Chemical Engineering.
The paper on model-based feedback control of a kHz-excited atmospheric pressure plasma jet has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences.
Angelo Bonzanini has joined the PSC lab. Welcome Angelo!
The paper on input design for online fault diagnosis of nonlinear systems with stochastic uncertainty has been accepted for publication in the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research journal.
NSF will fund our research on model predictive control (MPC) under model structure uncertainty for stochastic systems.
Prof. Mesbah is a recipient of AIChE's 35 under 35 award due to "significant contributions to the institution and to the chemical engineering profession."
The paper on a model predictive control approach to effective dose delivery in atmospheric plasma jets has been accepted for publication in Plasma Sources Science and Technology.
The paper on guaranteed fault diagnosis under closed-loop control has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
Invited session on “Advances in Optimization-based Control of Complex and Uncertain Systems” at the 2017 IFAC World Congress.
Joel has been selected as a finalist for the Young Author Paper Award at the 2017 IFAC World Congress for his paper on arbitrary polynomial chaos for uncertainty propagation of correlated random variables. Congratulations Joel!
The paper on model predictive control of an integrated continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing pilot plant has been accepted for publication in Organic Process Research and Development.
Marc has been selected as a finalist for the CAST Directors' Student Presentation Award. He will present his work, which compares stochastic and worst-case robust approaches to optimal experiment design, at the 2017 AIChE meeting in Minneapolis. Congratulations Marc!
Ali will deliver an invited talk on "Optimization-based Estimation and Control of Uncertain Systems" at the Applied Mathematics Seminar at UC Berkeley.
Joel's work on stochastic model predictive control with joint chance constraints has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Control.
Dries Telen (KU Leuven) joined the PSC lab as a visiting scholar. Welcome Dries!
Ali will serve as a member of the International Program Committee of the IFAC-ADCHEM 2018.
The papers on robust MPC of systems with mixed stochastic and deterministic uncertainty, arbitrary polynomial chaos for uncertainty propagation of correlated random variables, and SMPC with active model discrimination for closed-loop fault diagnosis applications have been accepted for presentations at the 2017 IFAC World Congress.
Ali joins the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medicine Sciences as Associate Editor.
Ali will deliver an invited talk on "Stochastic Predictive Control with Autonomous Model Structure Maintenance" at CPC 2017.
Marc's work on optimal experiment design for model discrimination in the presence of cell population heterogeneity is published.
Invited session on "Optimization-based Estimation and Predictive Control under Uncertainty" at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Jared has been awarded the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellowship!
Jared O’Leary joined the PSC lab. Welcome Jared!
Ali will deliver an invited talk on model predictive control of atmospheric pressure plasmas at the 6th International Conference on Plasma Medicine.
Eddie's work on kinetic study of continuous ABE fermentation is published.
Joel Paulson joined the PSC lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Joel!
The paper on stochastic predictive control with adaptive model maintenance has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
Our group will deliver nine talks at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting.
Invited session on "Advances in Control and Estimation of Uncertain Systems" at the American Control Conference.
Ali is a recipient of the ACS Doctoral New Investigator Grant.
Invited session on "Advances in Predictive Control" at DYCOPS 2016.
Workshop on Stochastic Predictive Control: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications at DYCOPS 2016.
Tor Aksel Heirung joined the PSC lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Tor!
Ali will serve as a technical associate editor and member of the International Program Committee of the IFAC World Congress.
The paper on stochastic nonlinear MPC with joint chance constraints has been accepted for presentation at the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS).
The paper Stochastic Model Predictive Control: An Overview and Perspectives for Future Research has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
The paper on MPC with integrated input design for stochastic, nonlinear systems has been accepted for presentation at DYCOPS 2016.
The papers on Lyapunov-based stochastic nonlinear MPC, polynomial chaos-based nonlinear Bayesian estimation, and MPC of thermal effects of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets for biomedical applications have been accepted for presentation at the American Control Conference.
Invited session on "Advances in Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation" at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Ali has contributed an IFAC blog entry on Process Control.
Tor Aksel Heirung (NTNU, Norway) joined the PSC lab as a visiting student researcher.
Marc has received the best paper award in FOSBE 2015.
The AIChE abstracts on stochastic MPC of a continuous ABE fermentation process, output feedback Lyapunov-based stochastic nonlinear MPC, and robust experiment design for the Wnt signaling system have been accepted for oral presentation.
Ali joins the editorial board of the IEEE CSS CEB as associate editor.
The Workshop on "Stochastic Model Predictive Control" at the American Control Conference. The speakers are Ali Mesbah, Stefan Streif (TU Ilmenau), Roberto Tempo (Politecnico di Torino), Mark Cannon (Oxford University), and Frauke Oldewurtel (UC Berkeley).
Invited session on "New Directions in Robust and Stochastic Model Predictive Control" at the American Control Conference.
Invited session on "Control and Estimation of Systems with Uncertainties" at the American Control Conference.
Ali is a recipient of the 2015 AIChE CAST W. David Smith Award.
Workshop on "Model-based Estimation, Fault Diagnosis, and Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using Polynomial Chaos" at the International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM). The speakers are Ali Mesbah and Stefan Streif (TU Ilmenau).
Vinay Bavdekar joined the PSC lab as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome Vinay!
The paper on least costly closed-loop performance diagnosis and plant re-identification has accepted for publication in the International Journal of Control.
The paper on iterative learning control of batch crystallization systems has accepted for publication in the Control Engineering Practice.
Ali Akhavan (Monash University, Australia) joined the PSC lab as a visiting scholar.
The papers on stability analysis of receding-horizon stochastic MPC and plant-wide MPC of continuous pharmaceutical processes have been accepted for presentation at the American Control Conference.
Joel Paulson (MIT) and Felix Petzke (Otto-von Guerickle University Magdeburg, Germany) joined the PSC lab as visiting student researchers.
Dogan Gidon joined the PSC lab. Welcome Dogan!
Invited session on "New Directions in Robust Optimal Control" at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Eddie Buehler and Marc Casas joined the PSC lab. Welcome Eddie and Marc!
The paper on control of self-assembly systems at micro- and nano-scale has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Process Control.
An invited session has been organized on "New Directions in Robust Optimal Control" at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. The session will cover recent theoretical advances in robust optimal control, as well as the application of novel robust control approaches to real-world problems.
The paper on fast stochastic MPC of high-dimensional systems using polynomial chaos theory has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Ali Mesbah joined the faculty of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at UC Berkeley. He is starting up a multidisciplinary research group in the area of systems analysis and control of complex dynamical systems.